Apex Gamers Connect
Apex Gamers Connect' is an annual gaming event by the Apex IT Club, featuring FIFA 19 and DOTA 2 inter-college tournaments.
Read moreApex Smile Festival
The Apex Smile Festival, led by the Media & Marketing Club, promotes a 'Smile' culture at Apex College through photography and communication skills.
Read moreApex Sports Week
Apex Sports Week unites students, faculty, and staff through indoor and outdoor games, promoting sportsmanship and teamwork.
Read moreApex Day
To celebrate proud Apexians, the event led by the Performing Arts Club showcases student talents in various arts which includes music, drama, dance, a
Read moreApex SMART
Apex SMART unites second and fourth-semester undergraduates to enhance skills in research, report writing, presentations, teamwork, leadership, and co
Read morebringing the most memorable, most happening and most successful college experience with career Opportunities within kantipur media group (KMG), innovate nepal group (ING) and more.