The 2022 edition of Apex Fit Fest, a yearly event designed to increase awareness around mental and physical health, was held this year from Nov 14 to Nov 16 at the Apex College premises. The event was open to both Apexians and the general members of society. The fest, which featured experts from the health and wellness sectors, was designed by and entirely managed by the student members of the college’s Health Education and Awareness Team (HEAT).

The main highlight of the fest was mental health related drama which was held on the fest’s second day and major event Zumba was held on the fest’s final day. The HEAT team decided to opt for Zumba because it’s an easy fitness activity for people of all ages to take up.

On the fest’s first day, the attendees were asked to take part in several simple games such as the following: hula hoop, rope game, freeze dance, plate balance, and Fu game. The point was to show them how engaging in even simple activities can do wonders for one’s health.

The second day of the fest featured two events related to mental health. The first was a play that unpacked the layers of challenges related to mental health and offered for viewers solutions they could opt for. Following the play, the guest speaker, Mr Shantanu Sharma–who is a certified motivational speaker and mental-health responder–talked about the mental health issues that people need to be aware of and about their interventions. The latter half of the day featured games similar to the ones featured earlier.

The third day of Apex Fit Fest 2022, entitled Zumba Day, featured an instructor-led Zumba class of 75-90 minutes that all attendees were invited to participate in. After the class, attendees were asked to engage in fitness activities such as Namaste Yoga, 3-minute focus, plank competition, skipping, push-ups, and pull-ups.

The fest’s title sponsor was Poshilo, a food-processing company that produces nutritious fare such as saatu without compromising on the taste. The other major sponsor was Paradise, a popular restaurant in Kathmandu. The fest’s network partners were WorldLink and SmartTel, and the media partner was The Kathmandu Post. The medical partner was Saarthi Dental Clinic, who provided free dental check-ups for the audience.

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