Apex College hosted a student exchange program on January 16, 2020. Students from Georgia South Western University from the USA visited the college. The series included a seminar and interaction program that was organized by Apex College. The program saw the gracious presence of Prof.Irina T. Toteva, Prof.Keaton Wynn, and Prof. Kailash Ghimire from Georgia University along with faculty members from Apex College. Ms. Durga Rijal, Director of Student Affairs of Apex College, briefed about the series of programs and thanked the organizing team. Three different programs were conducted simultaneously in different venues of the College.

Section 1: Guest Lecture on Fine Arts
In this section, Prof. Keaton Wynn highlighted the key issues and the prospects of “Contemporary Arts” in the modern context. He provided the brief outline of the development in the western art from pre-modern, modern to postmodern phase. He also talked about
the global economic impact as well as the importance of contemporary arts. He concluded with a discussion of the socio-economic function of contemporary arts as an arena of theoretical discourse. The event was accompanied by Mr. Nabin Kumar Jha (Associate Director of Undergraduate program). The emcee from the section 1 was Ms. Niruta Niraula from BBA-BI.

Section 2: Guest Lecture about Consumer Behaviour
Section 2 of the program as organized at the MBA Conference hall. In this section the guest Prof.Irina T. Toteva presented a lecture on Consumer Decision Making and Emotion. She talked about consumer internal influences and affections towards their needs and the element of surprise in their purchase. The event was accompanied by Mr. Kishore Dhungana (Associate Director of Graduate program). The emcee from section 2 was Ms. Bidhi Adhikari from BBA.

Section 3: Student Interaction
Section 3 was held at the Convergence Hall led by Mrs. Durga Rijal (Director of Student Affairs). In this section there was a cultural exchange program among the students along with the lunch. Eight Students from GSW shared their views and experiences with Nine Students of Apex College in the interaction program. While Students from GSW expressed their interest towards several Nepalese cultures and languages, Nepalese students highlighted the diversity of our country. The discussion included career choices, attitude, beliefs and importance of education where they exchanged gifts made up of Nepalese Handicrafts. At the end of the interaction, feedback from students were taken regarding the overall program, as well as interaction with fellow students. The video recording of feedback from the students at courtyard was also done followed by a closing ceremony. Lastly on section 5, there was a farewell program for the guests done by the Apex organizers of the event.

Apex Tourism Club also played a major role in opening the stalls in order to promote and support the “Visit Nepal 2020” theme. They demonstrated various aspects of Nepalese Diversity with the help of expo which included cultural dresses, musical instruments, art and artifacts along with Nepali Cuisines. Additionally, professor Kailash Ghimire expressed his warm regards towards Apex College for creating a blissful environment for the students. Prof. Irina T. Toteva also added “Nepal is a country of culture. People are really kind in welcoming us. I am looking forward to another visit”.

The team whicht stayed in Nepal for 15 days were astonished by the gesture of Nepalese hospitality. This helped in meeting new people and enriching personal development. The international student exchange indeed plays an effective role to develop the students and connect them globally.

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