Apex College organized a press meet on 21st June for the announcement of exciting details about the upcoming Apex ICC Cup 2023, to unveil key information about the highly anticipated Apex ICC Cup 2023. The event took place at the Six Sigma Hall itself at Apex College, in the presence of the involved enthusiasts, media representatives from Kantipur Media, NmTv, Nepal Television and youtube channels of Rastra press and Online Khelpati in announcement of the Project Manager Miss Ashmita Poudel, Finance Head Mr. Harish Badhu, Marketing and Communication head Miss Nibbana Dhungana, for the tournament in presence of the Head of Strategy Mr. Sandesh Katwal.

During the press meet, officials from Apex College and ICC shared insightful updates about the tournament regarding the objectives and estimated prizes along with the announcement of the official umpire and the technical head of the tournament, Mr. Rabindra Gupta. The Apex ICC Cup 2023 promises to bring together top cricket teams from the college itself, providing a platform for thrilling matches and fierce competition.

The press meet served as a platform to announce the commencement date of the tournament, showcase the logo, and discuss the format that will captivate the world of cricket. The event concluded with expressions of gratitude from Apex College officials, ensuring a memorable experience for participants and fans alike.


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