As a part of student exchange program between Apex College and University of Padova Italy, a five-day workshop “Microfinance in Action Phase III’ was held at Apex seminar hall from September 6 to 20. Dr Harihar Acharya, CEO of Center from Microfinance Nepal (CMF Nepal); LP Bhanu Sharma, Principal of Apex College and Prof Alberto Lanzavecchia from University of Padova, Italy jointly inaugurated the event. Talking about the importance of microfinance, Dr Acharya said, “Microfinance can contribute in the areas of poverty alleviation, women empowerment, entrepreneurship and capacity building activities”

Nine MBA students from Apex College and nine from University of Padova introduced themselves in a pair on the opening day. The students later observed ‘Women Group’ activities in Dalchoki village of Lalitpur. During the visit they interacted with Nepali Women regarding issues of health, nutrition, sanitation, education and living condition. On the second day, Prof Alberto delivered a session on socio economic situation of Italy. The students form University of Padova put light on the migration and human rights situation in Europe and Italy. Bharat Singh Thapa presented impact of microfinance through research findings. He said, “Microfinance has positive impact on human rights of women, increased asset holding, and participation on decision making in women.”

The students also learnt that there should be balance between financial and social outcome to ensure that money is invested on right purpose. Apart from having financial goals, Dr Acharya reminded the students,” In order to bring positive impact on society business should consider human value like warmth, compassion, love and social purpose.” In the farewell program that was held on the final day every student shared their learning, suggestions and applications form the workshop. The students received certificate and tokens of love from Sharma and Prof Alberto. Along with recreational activities, there was exchange of cultural dance of Nepal and Italy.

-Biraj Ghimire, MBA fifth trimester, Apex College

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